The month of October is the month for Men Day to lead the Men fellowship services. The theme for this year is Allowing God to be the change in me that I want to see. Scripture reference: 2 Kings 6:16-17. Although this theme has been selected for Men Day it can easily be applied to everyone, men, women, boys and girls.
There should be a desire in all of us to allow God to change our hearts and minds. The world would be a better place to live if everyone had this desire to allow God to change us so we can be more like him. There is a saying that people often use to ask the question “What would Jesus Do?” Always search for the answer by asking the question before you make decisions, answer a question or even speak a word to someone. The answer to this question is a great way to begin to pattern your life in a Godly way. You are then on the path to be more like Christ and allow him to be the change in you.
Again, the Men Day theme is “Allowing God To Be The Change In Me That I Want To see.” This change in you should be a desire to move higher in the Lord. Take note of the Prayer of Jabez “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” I Chronicles 4:10 KJV.
I will include a moving checklist from a recent message to assist you in your journey of growth.
Moving checklist:1. Be willing to move2. Understand the necessity of moving3. Esteem others4. Willing to make a sacrifice5. Level of anointing
Continue to Do More in 2024!
Apostle’s Pen Poet Tree
T – Turn and allow God to R – Revive and RestoreA – A new heart in you, realizing the N – Need to have a changed heart, mind and S – SoulF – For God will transform us as weO – Obey and continue our path to beR – Ready for the rapture with restored M – Minds in Jesus Christ
Yours in Christ,Apostle Perry Maples, Jr.
There should be a desire in all of us to allow God to change our hearts and minds. The world would be a better place to live if everyone had this desire to allow God to change us so we can be more like him. There is a saying that people often use to ask the question “What would Jesus Do?” Always search for the answer by asking the question before you make decisions, answer a question or even speak a word to someone. The answer to this question is a great way to begin to pattern your life in a Godly way. You are then on the path to be more like Christ and allow him to be the change in you.
Again, the Men Day theme is “Allowing God To Be The Change In Me That I Want To see.” This change in you should be a desire to move higher in the Lord. Take note of the Prayer of Jabez “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” I Chronicles 4:10 KJV.
I will include a moving checklist from a recent message to assist you in your journey of growth.
Moving checklist:1. Be willing to move2. Understand the necessity of moving3. Esteem others4. Willing to make a sacrifice5. Level of anointing
Continue to Do More in 2024!
Apostle’s Pen Poet Tree
T – Turn and allow God to R – Revive and RestoreA – A new heart in you, realizing the N – Need to have a changed heart, mind and S – SoulF – For God will transform us as weO – Obey and continue our path to beR – Ready for the rapture with restored M – Minds in Jesus Christ
Yours in Christ,Apostle Perry Maples, Jr.