Assistant Pastor & Wife
District Elder James L. Maples & Missionary Erma MaplesDistrict Elder James L. Maples & Missionary Erma Maples are another spiritual power couple at the Apostolic DeliveranceTemple. These two people are the Assistant Pastor & Wife who stand beside Apostle & First Lady Maples as they lead the people of God. They share the same mission and vision of the desire to have a people ready to meet God in the Rapture.
District Elder James Maples was born in Horn Lake, Mississippi to Perry Sr. and Charity Maples. He is also the Men Sunday School Teacher with the mission and vision to have and is looking for 40 good men to be at Sunday School each Sunday morning at 9:30 am sharp.
His motto is: If you know your Bible, the Sunday School needs you. If you don't know your Bible, then you need the Sunday School.
Missionary Erma Maples was born in Coldwater, Mississippi. Gifted with an angelic voice singing in the ADT Rapture Ready Choir. Her voice leading the original song entitled Higher and Higher with the ADT Rapture Ready Choir won 1st place in the Singsational Choir Competion. She is a member of the ADT Rapture Ready Choir, Getwell Committee, Missionaries, Prison Ministry, Back up Women Sunday School Teacher.
Elder and Missionary Maples have been married for 61 plus years, to this union they have 6 children, 17 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.